Friday, November 28, 2008

Install Orocos on RTAI/LXRT linux system (Ubuntu 8.04)

Today I install Orocos on RTAI system.
There are many errors on the screen. But after I download and install many libraries , finally it is working now.
For Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy system, I did not do this work as
"The OROCOS Real-Time Toolkit Installation Guide " .
They said I should do like:
$ cd src
$ sudo apt-get update
$ apt-get source orocos-rtt
$ sudo apt-get build-dep orocos-rtt
$ sudo apt-get install devscripts build-essential fakeroot dpatch
$ cd orocos-rtt-1.4.0
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
$ cd ..
$ for i in *.deb; do sudo dpkg -i $i; done

But I have a problem when I "sudo apt-get build-dep orocos-rtt ". It gives me errors about " 'xenomai". It 's very strange because I use RTAI/LXRT ,not xenomai.

So I change my idea and go the normal way to install it.
1, You should check the RTAI/LXRT setting("The OROCOS Real-Time Toolkit Installation Guide 2.3.1")
2,before you install orocos, make sure you have installed Boost,gcc, xerces,ace&tao,cppunit,cmake
3,download the tar ball from Orocos website.
4, Start install Orocos following "The OROCOS Real-Time Toolkit Installation Guide 1.3.3"
  mkdir orocos-rtt-1.6.0/build
cd orocos-rtt-1.6.0/build
--enable-corba --with-lxrt [--prefix=/usr/local][--with-linux=/usr/src/linux]

5.You will see some error information when you configure it.That's let you know what library you need install.

cmake ..
ccmake ..

cmake is to build makefile in build file. ccmake will let you change some option,like the directory of linux source(/usr/src/linux) and RTAI library(/usr/realtime).. Before you use this ,you should know how to use ccmake.

If there is no errors, you can continue.
7, do:
sudo make install

Then that's all.

If you want to install OCL , you should download tar ball with KDL and BFL.
Before installing OCL ,first you should install kdl and bfl. They need more libraris, such as ltilib , readline, docbook, etc..
When you install these library, you should always use "ccmake" to change some configuration about the folder directory or OROCOS_TARGET=LXRT.

SEE more:

Finally I finished it..^_^

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