Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Connect to headless desktop by TightVNC

My teamer is using s-video to connect laptop with TV. But for headless desktop, I think the work should be same: configure Xorg.conf file.
My laptop is lucky as the graphic card is Intel985, so ubuntu does nothing to transfer desktop of my laptop to TV, although the resolution is not good.

But my desktop is unfortunately has a Nvidea Graphcard. So if I use s-video which means I need configure Xorg.conf file, that 's now I want.
So I prefer use VNC or NX. Ubuntu already includes a X11vnc which is vino. That can work perfect if you login the X11 window of server. But our headless computer can not do that. So I choose TightVnc which seems can work with headless computer.

1, install tightvncserver on headless computer and install vncviewer in my laptop.
2, use "ssh host@serverip" to connect server. run "vncserver :1". Then you need type password which you will need them to login later. Finally "exit".
3, On local machine, we run "vncviewer serverip :1", then type the password. Now you will get a window and a shell.

By the way, if you want to change the password, just run "vncpasswd" in the server machine through ssh.
If you want to kill the server then do "vncserver -kill :1"

Many guys said NX is better than VNC as it's faster. But for me, it's too complicate and VNC is fast enough.
If you want to use NX, then check here:

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